Cleaning isn't anyone's favorite task, but that doesn't mean your abode shouldn't be clean always. Check out these tips and hacks to maintain a clean apartment.

Finding a clean apartment can be a big step forward in your life. You’ll feel happier and more at peace when you’ve got an organized, spotless living space.

But many people make the mistake of assuming that cleaning will stop once they’ve moved in. The longer you leave messes, the harder they are to clean up. So how do you maintain a clean apartment long-term?

Let’s look at some helpful hacks that will keep your place spotless.


1. Declutter Your Home Regularly

Start by getting rid of any items you don’t use or need. Give away items you don’t need or want to friends and family, or donate them to a local charity.

Go through closets and throw away any items you haven’t worn in the last 6-12 months. Organize your shelves and drawers, and place items in labeled containers to make them easier to find.

2. Utilize Smart Storage Solutions

Invest time in creating custom shelves and drawers tailored to fit the space needed to keep your apartment clean. Invest in containers, baskets, and other items that store items in an organized and aesthetically appealing manner.

Categorize the items being stored and label containers so that everything is easy to find. Place items not used often in harder-to-reach spots to make room for quickly accessible items. Utilize vertical space and wall hooks to maximize storage area.

3. Streamline and Automate Chores

Clean your apartment by setting up a routine and schedule for basic tasks like taking out the garbage, mopping and vacuuming the floors, and cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms.

Also, invest in tools like a robotic vacuum or mop that can reduce your workload. Keep small cleaning supplies, such as disinfecting wipes, handy for quick cleanups. And for supplies that you don’t often use, like vacuums and mops, store them in a closet and use them only when needed.

4. Invest in Multi-Purpose Cleaning Products

Having a clean apartment can be tricky, especially if you don’t have many cleaning tools. Multi-purpose supplies can be used in various ways, helping you save money and time in the long run.

Cleaning supplies like multi-surface spray, all-purpose cleaners, and wipes can disinfect walls, door frames, furniture, floors, and more. Multi-purpose cleaning supplies can be used to wash dishes, spot-clean carpets, clean up messes like crayon markings and other sticky substances, and disinfect bathrooms and kitchens.

5. Incorporate Netflix Binge-Cleaning Marathons

Before starting a show, devote a few hours to cleaning the house. This can act as a great incentive to get the job done quickly.

They are cleaning while binge-watching also allows one to take frequent breaks to take a break or do something else when they begin to lose interest in the show. This helps create a cleaner home with much less effort and time.

To help keep your apartment organization in check, maintain a regular cleaning schedule, allowing for less work during the marathon. If you don’t have much time cleaning consider hiring a reputable cleaning company such as the New Image Cleaning Service.

Tips to Maintain a Clean Apartment

Maintaining a clean apartment is achievable with a little hard work and attention to detail. Invest in the right cleaning tools and supplies, create a cleaning routine that works for you, and don’t forget to call on your roommates or family for help.

Keeping a clean apartment can be a breeze and even enjoyable! Let’s get to work!

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