If you plan on using Invisalign to straighten your teeth, this guide can help. Here are common beginner Invisalign mistakes and how to avoid them.

8 Common Beginner Invisalign Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

There are a lot of Americans with noticeable mouth accessories. It is one of the only accessories you need to wear to achieve a different fashion statement.

In the past, it was a sign of poverty. Poor Americans didn’t have access to attractive clear aligners. The middle and upper class could buy clear braces, making their teeth straighter without noticeable mouth accessories.

The popularity of wire-free and clear aligners speaks to their efficiency. Yet many patients make the same mistakes wearing Invisalign.

Find out the beginner Invisalign mistakes and how to avoid them in this article. Read on!


1. Consuming Foods and Drinks While Wearing Invisalign

One common beginner Invisalign mistake is consuming foods and drinks while wearing them. Foods and drinks can stick to the Invisalign tray, such as sticky sweets, sugary beverages, and any food that leaves an oily residue. This can cause bacteria to build up, leading to plaque buildup, discoloration of the trays, and other oral health issues.

To avoid this mistake, make sure to always remove your Invisalign trays before eating or drinking anything. Make sure to be careful when eating with aligners.

2. Not Properly Researching Your Invisalign Provider 

When deciding to go with Invisalign, it’s important to research the provider you’ll be working with. Not properly researching your Invisalign provider can be a common beginner mistake. You should make sure that the orthodontist you choose is an Invisalign provider with experience.

This is if you want your treatment to go smoothly. It also helps to read reviews on the practice and make sure it’s positively reviewed by former patients. This way, you can be sure you’ll receive the best care possible.

Additionally, you should inquire about the cost of the treatment and the number of appointments needed. Check out the Invisalign services linked here if you want to learn more about getting the right Invisalign provider.

3. Not Following Your Dentist Advice

One of the common mistakes that new Invisalign users make is not following the advice of their dentist. It is important to remember that dentists know best when it comes to using this product. If they recommend that you wear retainers or other additional products to retain the teeth in their current position, then you must follow this advice.

Otherwise, you run the risk of your teeth shifting back to their original locations once the Invisalign tray has been removed. It’s important to follow your dentist’s notes so you can take advantage of the benefits of Invisalign.

4. Not Wearing Your Aligners Properly

Common beginner Invisalign mistakes about not wearing your aligners properly are a widespread issue. It is important to wear your aligners for the appropriate amount of time to ensure that you see results.

Not wearing your aligners for the full twenty-two hours per day or consecutive days can stop treatment progress or, worse, cause pain or further damage to your teeth. To avoid this mistake, make sure to wear your aligners every day, for at least twenty-two hours a day. 

5. Smoking While Wearing Invisalign

Smoking while wearing Invisalign is an absolute no-no! Not only is smoking with your aligners bad for your overall oral health, but it could also pose incredible risks to the success of your Invisalign treatment. The nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco-based products can discolor the aligners, making them more noticeable to others.

Tobacco use can also interfere with the fit of your aligners, preventing your teeth from being moved as needed during your treatment, which could mean that you would need to wear your current trays for a longer period. 

6. Forgetting to Do an Oral Cleaning

One major common beginner mistake with Invisalign is forgetting to do an oral cleaning of the aligner. Many people feel that they do not need to do this because they remove the aligner to eat; however, forgetting to do an oral cleaning can cause a buildup of bacteria, leading to bad breath and an unhealthy mouth.

The best way to avoid this mistake is by setting a regular aligner maintenance routine. It is recommended that you brush and floss around the aligner twice a day, just as you would do with your teeth. 

7. Using Toothpaste to Clean Aligner

Common beginner Invisalign mistakes include using toothpaste to clean the aligners. Toothpaste is too abrasive and can wear down the material of the aligners. Instead, a soft-bristled toothbrush should be used to gently clean the aligners and remove plaque and bacteria.

Special cleaner solutions should also be used to preserve the plastic and maintain its integrity. Aligners should also be removed before brushing teeth to avoid residue from accumulating in the nooks of the tray. 

8. Keeping Your Tray Out in the Open

Keeping your Invisalign tray out in the open can be a common mistake made by beginners. It’s easy to want to show your friends or family what you’re working with, but it’s important to keep Invisalign trays and aligners kept in a safe, dry place. This can prevent bacteria from forming and potentially damaging the trays.

In addition to cleanliness and safety, leaving trays out can potentially lead to the aligners becoming cracked or broken, which can cause discomfort or even require replacement trays. Properly cleaning Invisalign trays is very important to avoid any oral hygiene issues. 

Avoid These Beginner Invisalign Mistakes Today

In summary, Invisalign is an effective way to straighten teeth without the need for metal braces. However, there are common beginner Invisalign mistakes that can be avoided by following the appropriate protocol. The most important thing your should remember is knowing how to wear Invisalign properly.

Develop a clear communication plan with your orthodontist, properly fit your aligners and wear them daily as recommended. Don’t hesitate to contact your orthodontist with any questions you may have – they are there to help you!

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