It's important to clean everything in your home every once in a while. This guide will teach you how to deep clean a bathroom.

A Guide on How to Deep Clean a Bathroom

Are you having trouble keeping up with giving your bathroom a regular cleaning? If so, you might want to consider deep cleaning it!

When cleaning a home, the bathroom is often an overlooked area. But at the same time, it’s one of the spaces you’d expect to be the cleanest.

Most people only clean the sink and toilet since these are the most used. Still, it doesn’t mean you should neglect the rest of the room.

We’ve put together this guide to help kick off your cleaning plans and teach you how to deep clean a bathroom! Let’s start.


1. Check Your Bathroom

Several studies show that the bathroom collects a lot of germs across its surfaces. Many people believe it comes from the toilet. But while this is true, it’s quick to spread throughout the room if you don’t clean it in time.

So, look around your around and identify how dirty it is. Doing this allows you to scale how much work needs to get done and what supplies you’ll need for them.

2. Gather Tools and Supplies

Bathroom cleaning isn’t only about taking soap and water and wiping them away. If the room has more than dust on its surfaces, you need stronger cleaners and different tools.

You can prepare the following for good measure:

  • microfiber cloth or mop
  • vacuum
  • stiff bristle brush
  • scrubber sponge
  • bathroom and multi-surface cleaners
  • disinfectant spray

If you prefer natural products, a baking soda or vinegar mixture works well against dirt and odor. You can also add more products to your list if necessary.

3. Start With Clutter

Once you have everything ready, start by getting rid of clutter. Clear out storage spaces and move them outside of the bathroom. If needed, wipe down dusty objects and throw out empty or expired products.

When you finish, take all linens from the room and get them washed. Add half a cup of baking soda to the laundry detergent mixed for a deeper clean. You can also rewash them if they still seem dirty.

4. Vacuum Every Surface

By now, you should be alone with only the larger fixtures in your bathroom. Begin by vacuuming every surface to prevent dust and debris from flying around. Make sure to cover all the corners of the room, including narrow and tighter spaces.

5. Wipe or Scrub the Surfaces

After dusting the room off, spray your cleaner onto the surfaces and wipe or scrub them with a brush or cloth. It can be overwhelming to cover all that space, so start with the walls, floors, and ceiling.

Then, move onto smaller surfaces, like doorknobs, cabinets, toothbrush holders, and the rest. Make sure to leave out the three major areas.

6. Clean Each Section

Now, it’s time to apply a more focused method of cleaning.

The three most used fixtures in the bathroom are the shower, toilet, and sink. So, you’ll need to clean them with extra care. Here’s how to do it.

The Shower

To start cleaning a shower, turn the water on to wet the walls and floor. Apply your cleaner to the surfaces, then let it sit for at least 10 minutes or as instructed.

When the time is up, scrub away! Use a scrubber sponge to get rid of stubborn grime. Rinse everything off, then repeat as much as necessary.

If you have a showerhead, fill a plastic bag with enough white vinegar to submerge the nozzle. Dunk your showerhead into the bag, tie it up, and leave it overnight. Let the water run to rinse it off the next day.

The Toilet

Many people don’t understand the enjoyment of cleaning a toilet, so they keep putting it off. But a clean toilet makes a great impact on the cleanliness of your entire bathroom.

When you clean it, begin with the bowl by applying the toilet cleaner and scrubbing it with a brush. Let the solution sit for at least 15 minutes before flushing it down.

While you wait, close the lid and work on the outer part. Spray it with a disinfectant or natural cleaning solution, like a vinegar mixture. If needed, use your scrubber sponge.

Apply the same method to the rest of the surfaces around the seat, lid, and bowl.

The Sink

The drain gathers the most bacteria in your sink. Pour enough vinegar or baking soda to clean it, then rinse it with hot water.

Clean the rest of the sink by spraying your cleaner around it and scrubbing off any dirt and grime. The same method applies when cleaning the faucet.

To add to your list of house cleaning tips, use floss to get into very narrow areas. You can use it to reach the gap between the faucet base and the sink.

Lighting and Other Fixtures

Use your cleaning solution or soap and water for lights, vents, fans, and cabinets. You can wipe them down with a microfiber cloth, but use the scrubber sponge for stubborn grime.

Make sure to use the correct cleaner and tools depending on their material. For example, avoid using the scrubber on metal surfaces.

7. Refresh the Grout

If the cleaning wasn’t enough to achieve the new bathroom tile look, refresh the grout. You can do it yourself, but it’s tricky to work with for a first-timer.

It requires you to clean the spaces between the tiles and scrape off the existing grout. You would then need to prepare your mixture until it reaches a specific consistency. Once it’s ready, spread it evenly across your tiles, ensuring it stays level.

If you’re interested in hiring someone to work on it, look into the usual tile and grout cleaning cost here.

Learn How to Deep Clean a Bathroom With These Tips

Bathroom cleanliness affects your health and home, so it’s best to clean it as often as possible. But if you don’t have the time to spare for it every day, it’s great to learn how to deep clean a bathroom instead!

You can read even more tips when you browse our blog.

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