How Quality Heating Keeps Your House Safe

How Quality Heating Keeps Your House Safe

When it comes to home safety, you may think of security cameras, fences, and guard dogs. However, a well-maintained heating system in Washington state, such as your AC, furnace, water heater, or Olympia heat pumps is just as effective in safeguarding your home. From preventing damage to health issues, here are a few ways good heating systems keep your residence safe.


Leak Prevention

What does efficient heating have to do with leak prevention? Did you know your water heater or HVAC system can leak? Certain heating systems, like HVAC units, may have a coolant that can leak out. If you don’t spot the leak early enough, it can cause the same damage that water or any other liquid can cause in your home. As a result, it can damage your drywall or floor. It will lead to extensive repairs in that area, and you may eventually have to replace that heating system. In addition, any moisture can breed mold, which creates even more issues.

Mold Prevention

The minute you spot mold in your home, you should take steps to handle it. The best way to handle mold is by preventing residential moisture, which can be a challenge in the damp Pacific Northwest. As mentioned, if you don’t notice a leaky water heater or HVAC system quickly, mold may have taken hold. According to CNET, it takes mold 24 to 72 hours to begin sprouting on a wet surface. When you live in a moldy home, it can affect your respiratory health. Mold can exacerbate minor or create new cases of asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, and upper lung infections. If you or someone else in your home accidentally touches mold, it can also cause skin irritations. You may have other allergic reactions, such as watery eyes. A mold infestation can make your home unlivable if it gets out of control.

Carbon Monoxide Emissions

Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous, odorless, and colorless gas, making it a silent killer. According to ABC Home and Commercial, about 170 Americans die annually from such poisoning. A (CO) leak can happen from faulty appliances and products, such as your heating unit. It’s a natural byproduct that occurs during the chemical processes of fuel burning, such as propane, natural gas, and oil. However, it can further seep into your home if your unit has cracks or malfunctions. One of the best ways to protect yourself from such a deadly malfunction is with regular heating system maintenance. If your professional advises you to replace your unit because it’s no longer functioning at an optimal level, don’t hesitate to do so. You can further protect yourself by installing carbon monoxide detectors in your home that can give you a warning alarm.

Fire Prevention

Adequate heating systems in your home can prevent people from using an open flame indoors to heat themselves. The only type of flame you should use indoors is your protected fireplace or candles for light and ambiance. Otherwise, using a cooking stove for personal heat can be dangerous, especially if it catches on to your clothing. Space heaters can be helpful when you use them safely by not putting anything within three feet. However, the best way to safely keep your family warm and have hot water is with a professionally installed heating system.

As you can see, you can keep your home safe with proper heating. Having the right system for your home and proper maintenance can help you stay healthy and protect your property structure. Avoid unnecessary repairs and health issues by calling a heating professional today.

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