Are you looking to get started with Colorado solar? Check out some of these simple tips to smooth out the transition to your new energy source.

Colorado Solar: 3 Tips for Getting Started

The state of Colorado is currently ranked as the 14th leading state in terms of using solar power.

If you are thinking about using solar in Colorado, you will not only be helping yourself and your wallet, but you are also helping the environment.

But how do you get started with the transition to Colorado solar? What do you need to know about installing solar panels in Colorado?

Read on to learn three tips to get started!


1. Determine Your Current Energy Usage

To make sure that you have enough Colorado solar panels during the solar panel installation, you first need to determine how much energy you use on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

This will help you determine how many solar panels you need to get.

You can usually find your current energy usage on your energy bills to figure out what you need moving forward.

Once you know that, you can contact solar panel installers found here to get started with your solar power journey!

2. Know Your Budgeting and Financing Options

When you install solar in Colorado, you may qualify for some tax exemptions and other federal and state incentives.

Typically solar installations are paid for through loans or cash, with Federal and State incentives available.

When you are installing solar panels, you have to do the research to determine how you can finance this and if you do qualify (which usually depends on income, location, and other factors). If you want to know if you qualify, this research is best done before you start the process so you know how to budget appropriately.

On average, systems run about $15,000-$25,000. While this seems like a huge out-of-pocket expense, you have to realize that your energy bill will decrease every single month so that over time, you will actually be saving money.

3. Pick the Right System 

Once you know your budget and what financial incentives you qualify for, you can pick your system. You have several options for choosing the system that is best for your home.

Here are a few options:

  • Portable solar system (best for campers, RVs, and trailers)
  • Grid-tied solar energy system (this is the best option to start small)
  • Grid-tied solar system with battery backup (this can run an average-sized home with little maintenance)
  • Off-grid solar energy system (this is the most expensive but the most comprehensive system for a home) 

You can choose from these options based on your budget and current energy usage.

Install Colorado Solar

Are you ready to go through with the solar installation process? Just follow these three tips and you’ll be well on your way to saving money and energy to help the environment as well! 

Once you know your budget, look into your financing options, determine your energy usage, and then simply pick a system that will work best for you! It’s as simple as that.

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